Indexed Color

Index color is our speciality! We love indexs ability to be much more vibrant, detailed and colorful than a halftone piece. Why is it like that, because no shirt shows through. With any process or sym process piece there are areas where the tee shows through the printing. Not so with index. The design area is an area of total coverage.

Index can reproduce the smallest of details. It uses a random dot that is roughly one quarter the size of a halftone dot or about 1/200th of an inch. This is very close to being the smallest dot you can hold on screen. These dots are square and all the same size (denser in darker areas). This allows index seps to make dramatic photo realistic patterns and textures come alive.

Photoshop uses a random stipple algorithm that blends color, reminiscent of old time hand stippling/patterning used in vintage art and box labels. Blends look very natural and non-mechanical.

I did an extensive web search on index color in preparation for rebuilding this site. I noticed that alot of info, books and tutorials on the web were incorrect. They tell you how to let photoshop convert a file to index. This is not how you do index color separations and it will just make a mess of your file.  Worst yet some suggest adding noise to help smooth out the design or add it in thier plug-ins. Indexing takes time and requires masking, that is the only way to get the colors you want in the places they are supposed to be! ~ Samples




© Island Graphics 2010