Color Separations

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About Plug-ins - Of the many color separation software plug-ins available today, I have never found one at any price that I could use commercially. ~ more

About Film Output & Imagesetters - Why film? ~ more

Spotcolor Separations - The art we receive from our clients is usually created in Illustrator, Corel or Freehand. For flatbed press work, we can trap art to 1/400 of an inch if needed. For tees, we build choked flash plates and top whites as either a solid underlay or a halftone or stochastic dot pattern for that soft hand.  All films are output on an Agfa Imagesetter to give you perfect butt registration with no overlap for sharp crisp printed edges. ~ more

Simulated Process Color - We create simulated process separations for art pieces which are generally going to be printed on dark garments, have lots of colors or are soft focus pieces. The seps consists of 1-12 halftone plates which overprint and blend to create soft shadow and highlight areas. Some clients prefer this type of separation because it is very forgiving on press and can be slightly out of registration and still look good. These seps are all hand masked and custom tailored to the art. ~ Sample

4 Color Process Plus Seps - The separations we provide will print without moir’e patterns or the washed out look that has normally been associated with process jobs. We create bump plates as needed. This sep is usually used on light or white garments only and has been used to create bragging pieces for some of our clients.

Index Color Separations - Are spot color separations that use a stochastic or random dot pattern. They are a very popular way to achieve near photorealistic color and an extremely soft hand on light or dark garments. When done correctly they are superior in color and sharpness to all other separation techniques. We are known for producing top quality index separations with quick turnaround time. Index color seps are usually 6-13 colors and must be precisely registered or sharpness will be affected. ~ more

Hybrid Seps - Some art just lends itself to a sep which is a combination of halftone and index. Here are some samples where the types are combined. Index has the smallest dot and holds the highest detail for realistic textures but halftones work much better for long gradients or background fades.We can combine separation types to make your art look the way it should. ~ Samples


© Island Graphics 2010